New Opportunity for TCS Mail Management Solutions (MMS)

TCS Mail Management Solution stands upon the single largest investment made by TCS on state of the art printing and sorting technology.

 With this huge infrastructure, TCS MMS can easily start a new service similar to FedEx Office Print & Ship Services, Inc in United States, which is a chain of stores that provide a retail outlet for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground (including Home Delivery) shipping, as well as printing, copying, and binding services. 

FedEx Office ( offers a variety of simple, convenient online printing services where corporations, small businesses and individuals can print documents, presentations, flyers, manuals, posters, banners, panaflexes, business cards, letter heads etc - all online. 

Similar to Vista Print services, FedEx Office has the advantage of a country wide presence of stores where each store is equipped with color and monochrome photocopiers, fax machines, digital photo printer kiosks, and several desktop computer rentals, of which one always has an image scanner and some design software (mainly Adobe Systems applications) installed.

 The computers available for rental are connected to at least one color and one monochrome laser printer (some newer stores have only a color printer but charge less for monochrome prints). The stores also offer a selection of office supplies and business books for retail purchase.

 If TCS believes that innovation is norm for them then they should introduce this service in Pakistan as they are in a better position to launch this service and nobody else can beat it.


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