Independence Day

Dear People of Pakistan

Thanks for remembering my 64th anniversary. Although I feel that the spirit of celebrating is deteriorating year by year. This is the day when people acquired a separate piece of land to live their life according to the Islamic ideology. Nonetheless, I never tasted the appetite of having a nation which will make my name prosperous, neither pre-partition when it was all about Hindus and Muslim, nor post partition when it’s about Baloch, Urdu Speaking, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Pathan.

On this auspicious day, I would like to thank many people including people blessing and congratulating me from here and aboard but serving nations who are extinguishing my existence. Also those people who are abusing the corrupt without accepting their roles in corruption. Especially to those who are working in my institutions and compulsorily celebrating this day and who protest for betterment in their pay scale without even thinking of the betterment of those institutions. Finally to those who can do sometihing to make life on this land more costly then sheer cost of a bullet, but waiting for Gods knows right time.

However, on this occasion I would just like to remind that this land is yours, either you make it heaven or hell, make it prosperous or sell it, unite it or divide it. Its just a piece of land, what makes it a great nation is you people.



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